
Devien George

Front End Developer

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About Me

I am a front end developer. I learn programming and coding websites and apps self-taught at home and practice on finding a solution for every problem I faced in programming. my age is 19 years old and I am in college. and I study programming beside with my college. I start to learn to code a website 2 years ago. I wireframe them on my notebook then i code that wireframe to an actual web page


  • Html / Html5
  • Css / Css3
  • Css Grid
  • Css Variables
  • BEMcss Methodology
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Sass / Scss
  • Bootstrap
  • Semantic UI
  • Materialize Css
  • Font Awesome
  • Chart Js
  • React
  • Axios
  • React Hooks
  • React Router
  • React Redux
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Npm / Yarn
  • Gulp
  • Pugjs


css grid exapmle

this website example is build with CSS Grid and that was training for me on css grid and how to use it in design websites.

Css Gridhtml
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BoilerPlate Graphql, Apollo, React

This BoilerPlate for those how want to build React Apps with GraphQL, Apollo without worry about packages that need to be installed.


React Advice App

this website is fetching random advice from online API and display it.

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CSS Grid Example

this website example on Css Grid to create titles or windows on webpage

Css GridHtml
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React Movie IMDB

This website is for searching for movie on IMDB API that fetched with Axios and displayed information on the website like rating, name, descriptions and so on.

ReactAxiosIMDB API
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React Weather App

This website is for searching for weather on Openweathermap API that fetched with fetch function and displayed information on the website.

ReactFetch APIOpenWeatherMap API
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COVID-19 Tracker

This website is for display Deaths, Recovered, Infected with COVID-19 and the website get the information with API and return it to the tracker to display in chart.

ReactAxiosChartjsCOVID-19 API
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Weather react app v2

This website to show temperature, humidity, pressure for every city you type and the app build with react Hooks and Context API not as app V1 that used Class component

ReactReact HooksAxiosOpenWeatherMap API
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Youtube Player App

This website to play youtube video and show random video on the side like youtube

ReactReact PlayerAxiosYoutube APIReact Bootstrap
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University of Helwan

Jul 2019 | Current

Faculty Of Science

AlZhara High School

Jul 2016 - Jul 2019

High School Degree